Sunday, November 27, 2011

Task 4 - Inês Ferraz

These are my results for this week:
- Paper - 500 kg
- Plastic/metal - 1,100 kg
- Glass - 3,100 kg

Me and my family - three people (and a dog)- have been recycling for about 6 years paper, glass and plastic/metal. Recently we started to recycle batteries but this week there weren’t batteries to recycle. This wasn’t a normal week because we’ve been two days out of home, but the days we were at home we recycled all we can. It was my mother who started to recycle in our home but now we all recycle everyday like a super normal thing. I think that if we all recycle the world will be a better place with no landfills and all the problems that it causes (e.g. groundwater and soil contamination). Of course it won’t solve all the environmental problems but it will help a lot and we have to start somewhere.

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