Monday, October 31, 2011

7 Billion

"The world's population is expected to hit seven billion in the next few weeks. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years. Where do you fit into this story of human life? "

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Generation Awake

This is a new campaign by the European Commission "to raise awareness about the need to use natural resources wisely, and to encourage citizens to think about their impact on the planet when making purchasing decisions."
To know more, click on the logo.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Task 2 - Environment poetry video

Levi Tafari, a British poet, has some great poems on environmental issues. You can check some here.
One of the fabulous things about poetry is that each of us create our own "pictures" in our mind as we read/listen to it. Share does "pictures" with us! How? Choose one of Levi Tafari's poems and create a video to illustrate it.
Here are some of the resources you can use to create your video:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Footprint

I think I need to do some adjustments, like turn off the lights or maybe do the same as Carolina said and start working in a project to build another planet.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well, I guess I need to start doing some adjustments, and maybe a little less shopping!! Or maybe I should just start working in a project to build another planet, just in case I run this one out of sources... Any opinions ?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's all about humans

Tiago´s Footprint

Too big footprint...

There are 2 questions that I had to answer with values that are wrong because there´s not a option that tells wheather you spend money or not.

My footprint is smaller.

Pedro's Footprint

Here's my footprint, 1.86 planets, 2 basically.
I think I already do something to help the environment but I have to keep pushing my self and my family to do more things about it speccially because there's only 1 PLANET!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

João Vasco footprint

Heres my footprint , need to do less damage to the "worlds"

Too big footprint!

WHAT?! How is this even possible?! I would never imagine that my impact in the environment would be so BIG! My habits are not that bad... I travel by plane 2 times a year. It must have been that... Even so, I should start thinking about changing my routines in order to protect this unique and fragil planet where we all live!

Richard Days' footprint

Here's my results! I think that I'm a bad person, I'm destroying our world and should go to Mars or to other planet...
Ahahah, just kidding! Now seriously, I think that I must change my attitude in relation to the environment, specially in my stuff and at home. A small act could make a big difference!

"It's sad to think that nature speaks, and that man doesn't  listen..."

Here is my footprint

I need to work on this :x

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ana Baía's Footprint

Whaaaaattt!??' Mr.Panda does overreact a bit right? I mean, It's not like we're destroying all Earth florests!
I totally agree with Mr. Kalheirox!

Okay, I was just kidding, It's true we're destroying our dear planet and we must be much more careful with what we do, now more than ever!

So, children, eat all your veggies and behave good! And when I say to eat your veggies I REALLY mean it, because there won't be any more meat or fish for all of you! We're all vegetarians from now on!

Ana Baía ;)

The Meatrix

Ecological font

Since our current topic is the environment it is logical for us to reduce the material we print. If we really have to print things, we can adopt more eco-friendly solutions like recycled paper or even eco-friendly fonts, like Ecofont Vera Sans. and This is a font that you can download for free and install in your computer. It's a holey version of the font Vera Sans, permitting you to save a lot of ink while printing, without a big change in the printing quality. It uses 20% less ink.

Inês Ferraz' Footprint

My results are... "You're living as if we had 2.70 planets to support us but we only have one."
WOW, I think that what we are (I am) doing to our planet is a very bad thing and I had no idea that we are using almost twice more than what we should.
It seems that what we are doing isn't enough to live in a comfortable and healthy planet.
I'll try to be a better resident of our planet using less resources! Starting now...

My Footprint

My result.
Sincerely, I was worried about it. I was afraid because I didn't know what I should expect.
Now, I look to my footprint and I think that I have to continue changing my habits to not prejudice our world.
I fight to obtain a sustainable environment.
This is my footprint, I was a little surprised because I thought I had good habits in regards to the environment.
Let's try to change

Kalheirox footprint!

This is my footprint.It's a litle bit big, i will try to change.But i think that this footprint calculator are a litle bit exagerated because i don't do anything realy bad, and i think that in the class if all people awnsers with truth the results will be like my result, nobody will get a footprint less than 2 planets, so this footprint dont show the truth but is a way to advise people to change a litle bit their behaviours.
Even what we have been talking in class
I hope you like :)

We Know, by Benjamin Zephaniah

We Know

Monkeys are not doing it,
Snakes are not doing it,
Neither are beetles or fleas,
Lizards are not doing it,
Birds are not doing it,
They know that we need the trees,
Mice are not doing it,
Lice are not doing it,
Cats are not doing it,
Bats are not doing it,
I know who's doing it,
Humans are killing the forest.

in Wicked World, by Benjamin Zephaniah

My footprint

Good afternoon!
I calculated my footprint (2.29 planets) and I became chocked because I didn't realise how much I use and spend in everything. I will try to fix that and become a more ecological person. I will recycle more, try to walk instead of using the car to go everywhere, and I will try to use the bus more often.
But one thing I found curious is that, even being the more ecological we can, the result will always be more than 1.
We have to change our attitude immediatly or we'll kill our beautiful planet and ourselves!

Hello. This is my footprint. I'm incredulous! Oh my God. 

Change the World in 5 Minutes

This is a video to inspire your group work for this term.

Task 1: Footprint Calculator

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) offers you a simple way to assess your impact on the environment. It is fast and it can give you a new perspective on your acts and ideas for the future.

To use it, click on this link and follow the instructions. 

Then, leave your feedback here, in the "Comments". Tell us about the result and whether you were surprised with it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Planet, our home.

Since today's class was about environment and the consequences of our actions towards it, i'm going to show you a video about a girl that, in 1992, had the courage to speak her mind.
Enjoy it!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Doubts about the future

I was reading the text of the Placement test today and I remembered of this graduation speech about what we want to our future. I think that we've all had these doubts so I hope you like it!

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, a princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows? This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love… a lot. Change your mind and change it again, because nothing’s permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be, we won’t have to guess. We’ll know."

- Jessica Stanley (Eclipse)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This video is dedicated to Jonas Vasco. I hope he "stay awake" in class! xD