Thursday, November 3, 2011

Task 3 - 7 Billion

Watch the video 7 Billion by National Geographic. After carefully thinking about it, to write a comment on it.


  1. In my opinion, National Geographic documentarys' , are always interesting, and can "catch" our attention.
    This in special, give us an idea that 7 billion are a very large number (it would take 200 years to count 7 Billion; with 7 Billion steps it was possible, to go around the earth 133 times !)
    Another impressive fact, is the evolution of the population growth (in 1800, the world's population was 1 Billion, and in 2045, it coud be 9 Billion).
    However it´s referred a negative "side", more an more people are living in urban areas, which led to appearance of more megacities.
    Conclusion: WE are a lot, it's true but compared with our planet we are just a small part,we just need to make some efforts to preserve our planet!

  2. I'm absolutely impressed about the informations that this video give us. 7 billion people... 7 billion mentalities...
    It's disgusting to see that a small part of this number continues destroying our world. They polute a lot and they don't think in other people. They give lots of importance to money and ignore the problems of our world, of the place where they live with their kids... They don't think... They spend so much resources and don't recycle any kind of products. They don't worry about tomorrow, but tomorrow they can be dead because of their actions.
    And if this people don't change their minds quickly, we won't need to wait 7 billion years to see the end of the world. (Gonçalo Marques)

  3. I didn’t expect the numbers presented in this documentary, which are really impressive.
    It should be noted once again the quality of National Geographic documentaries.
    Analyzing the contents of the video I think that we must change our attitudes. We are just crossing a street, that is life, and the future generations have the right to find a healthy "Earth", in other words, coming to a Sustainable Development is the solution.
    The planet is enough for all, just our attitudes are wrong and inadequate.
    In conclusion it’s important promote this type of information to change our mind and way of acting.
    The earth belongs to everyone, and we must love it.

  4. Such as Francisco said, the National Geographic documentaries are very interesting, complete and very important for us to face the cruel facts of our society.
    I’m impressed by this big number: 7 billion people around the World are many people. This implicates many resources of our planet, mainly water, the most important and scarce resource of planet Earth.
    I’m stupefied, mainly, by the population evolution: in 1800 the world’s population was 1 billion, and now, after 211 years, this number changed to 7 billion, and it’s possible that in 2045 it could be 9 billion.
    With this video, or best, with this enormous number, people should look around and change their conduct in regard to the environment, to save our planet, so the population continues to grow (in 1975 there were 3 megacities, but today there are 21 megacities), but the Earth’s resources are limited.
    We can’t just think about ourselves and about today, we have to look ahead!

  5. This National Geographic’s video couldn’t be better to capt our attention in such an effective way! The fact that “it would take 200 years just to count to 7 billion out loud” or that 7 billion steps would take each one of us around the globe 133 times are just shocking!
    The video shows that the world’s population has been increasing faster and faster… We have now reached 7 billion people in the planet, though in 1800 we were only 1 billion... But it shows that it’s not space we need (once “standing shoulder to shoulder every 7 billion of us would fill the city of Los Angeles”) – it’s balance. Balance between the consumption of the Earth’s resources and the time they need to regenerate, between the occupation of big cities and rural areas, between rich and poor countries’ in relation to the access to the most basic living conditions (such as energy, clean drinking water and adequate sanitation, which are mentioned in the video),…
    After all, if we all reduced our negative impact in the planet and if resources were fairly distributed and responsibly consumed, the Earth would support even more people and “live” for much more years.

  6. The facts are:

    1) World population has been increasing (at a regular rate),
    • There are more births than deaths per second,
    • People live longer,
    2) People prefer living in the city,
    •Megacities have been increasing,
    • Rural areas are becoming desert,
    3) Urban areas will shelter 70% of the world population in about 40 years.

    The problems are:

    1) There’s much space for everyone but little balance in everyone’s lifestyle,
    2) Rural areas risk becoming “food deserts”,
    3) Some waste energy while others don’t have clean drinking water or sanitary facilities.

    Earth is not the problem, we are the problem. Resources would do for everybody if everybody was sensible and responsible.
    We have to change not only our mentality but also our attitude if we want to keep our home – EARTH!

  7. It is truly amazing to realize how many people are out there, because it really makes you think about others. You start to think that in 7 billion people there are those who have it all and others who got none. In my opinion, what this video really shows us is the changes that the world has been going through in the past years and the fact that, if this continues to happen as fast as it has been happening, it becomes imperative to think about the consequences of this number of population: more sources are needed, which means that we need to either create more or use wisely the ones we have. Finally, as it is said in this National Geographic video, what we need is balance: be able to keep "happy" both our planet and humankind.

  8. > This National Geographic´s video really shows that troughout the decades the world´s population is increasing minute by minute.
    > The major problem isn´t even the one involving worldwide population, but the fact that we´re not capable of making it profitable and sustainable.
    > The video also states that rural areas have less housing in relation to urban areas, that has implications in Agriculture and in the use of pesticides in a way that affects products and even humans ia an irreversibly way.
    > This video more than giving informations it´s kind of an alert to everyone, mainly in changing our natural habits and want everything our way.
    > The Earth is our home and we´re destroying it and the only way to solve this is by making a global change drastically.

    > It´s up to can change the world... a SMALL gesture it´s the first step to a BIG change...

    Tiago´s Comment

  9. I am very surprised about the number that the National Geographic documentary shows to us. Is it really true? Is possible that number?
    7 billion people is a large number, but analyzing the current situation, we think that our blue planet support everything. But this is not true, and some day, we will understand that, but, possibly, may be too late.
    However, we can avoid this situation, doing simple actions, such as using natural and renewable resources, in spite of fossil fuels, following the policy of the four Rs (reduce, recycling, reuse and recover), reduce the sending of greenhouse gases and decreasing the pollution.
    We cannot change the current situation, but we can stop doing things that damage the Earth. If we change our mentalities, we will build a better future, a better world. So, we will have success reducing the negative impact that a population of 7 billion people has in our planet. When we become the protectors of the Earth, it will tolerate this number of people, or even a larger number.
    If we do not preoccupied with the other species, we cannot forget that we are not alone, there are more generations to come, our descendants, a part of the 7 billion people, blood of our blood…

  10. This is an excelent video (like all National Geographic videos) with facts that surprise us in every way.
    Planet Earth is our home and we are overcrowding it with people. There are people everywhere, but where is nature? Is it hidden from us so that we can't see it? One fact is for sure, it is quite distant from us. It seems to be in the only place(s) that we haven't changed or we are not interested in.
    We should live in a more sustainable way. But no, we prefere to kill it.
    We are doing a bit too much of everything except for the balance. We are only thinking about our comfort instead of thinking in every single living thing - thinking global, the Earth - our survival chance.
    We are so many, but ,like the video shows, we don't need space (ok, maybe we are using a bit too much) we need balance and we are not giving that to our planet, instead of that we are giving imbalance to Earth. We are exhausting Earth's resources, they are limited but we never seem to get enough.

    If we don't take care of our beautiful planet, who will?

  11. this video is amazing, shows that the world "stand" seven billion people.
    I had a different opinion on this aspect.
    the big problem of the population is not balance the resources that the earth revolves, not profit them the most.
    I really enjoyed the video and I think an important issue for today.

  12. Well, for me thinking of anything x 7 billion was something I couldn't even imagine and I didn't even realize that it could take years counting out loud! Already here I was very surprised...
    The world's population increased from 1 to 2 billion in 130 years, from 2 to 3 in 30 years and FROM 6 TO 7 IN 12 YEARS. How could this difference happen? I think that it’s because of the increase of life expectancy and also due to the difference between the number of deaths and births about every second. Obviously technology is improving, we are producing much more and most of us are living in urban areas. The increase of life expectancy is owing to the improvement of medical treatments and medications/drugs.
    The part of the video that most surprised me was the space that we would occupied if standing shoulder to shoulder! How can it be? There are so many people with lack of food and water worldwide and others using what they have (which is a lot) and what they don’t have. If we continue like that the Earth will have more people but it will not be able to support everyone, not because of lack of space but because of irresponsibility of past generations.

    I really appreciate the video and as Henry David Thoreau said "What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”.

  13. What can i say? they've said everything.

    We all know that National Geographic it's an amazing channel that shows us the reality and this video is another example of it. It shows us the meaning of 7 billion and compares it to the past and make predictions about the future.
    For me the most important part of this video is when they talk about the space and they say that we don't need it because 7 billion people would fit in los angels. "so it's not space we need, it's balance" is the key sentence.

    To finish i would like to add that I've really enjoyed this video

  14. It's a fact that the world's population is growing up very fast, so that most of us think that the main problem is if would be enough space to this huge number of habitants living in our planet. Howerver the main problem isn't the space, is the consequences that the population increase would make, like for example the lack of vital resources like water and electricity. If the population increases, it's obvious that the consume will grow.
    So if the population is growing and it will keep growing we must start changing our atittude to preserve our important resources so that the future generations may have conditions to live!

    (sorry by the late!)

  15. This amazing video shows how the population currently grows almost instantly. National Geographic already has us accustomed to very good documentaries with impressive and surprising data information, and this one is not a eception. Summarizing this documentary, it shows that despite the exaggerated increase in world population, the problem is not the number but the mentality of people. For the number of population is insignificant compared to what it would need to fill the millions of square meters of land that our planet has, so this video announces that we and the planet does not need space but balance. If we all reduce our consumption a little, adding it, gives a big change. I loved this video and I hope that from now on we begin to change our mind ...

  16. i think this video shows the distinction and quality of national geografic's works.
    this shows to us very aspects of the 7 billion number.
    it shows the grandiosity of this number, telling to us how fast the population grows after a periode of constant birth rates,tel to us thath the number will continue to grow and grow,tell that with 7billion steps we could go arround the world many times, also tell that we should not be conserned about the space but about the resources, it tells that we should be balanced in other words we should think about the future generations and consume the resources with respect for the sustentability of the earth.

    (Sorry for the late coment)

  17. This Nacional Geographic small documentary is great in many ways!
    The technical side of this video is superbly well done, they managed to combine the information, the music and the images in a perfecly balanced way so that we could really understand the meaning of 7 billions! I mean, i think none of us really knows the meaning of 7 billions, for example, when you think of a small number, like 10, 20 or even 100 you can understand the extencion of that, but, with such a large number like 700 billions you really need to look at certain comparisons to have the slightest idea of what it means to have 7 billion people living at once!

    This video made me realize how great our need is too share with other so that we can live in peace in harmony like the great family we are!
