Saturday, November 26, 2011

Task 4 - Recycling Experiment (Gonçalo Marques)

I have always done recycling of all materials I can.
This week wasn't a exception and during it, the results were:
Plastic and Metal: 1,8kg
Paper: 4kg
Glass: 0,800kg
I don't know what percentage of the waste, produced in my home, can be recicled, but I always separate it. I also contribute to "Projeto Tampinhas" and in my grandmothers houses, the waste is used to fertilize the land (organic waste) or to feed the animals.
I really live respecting the 4Rs Politic and I think all people must do the same!
The world is in danger because some people pollute it a lot without thinking in what they are doing and without any kind of worry with other humans and animals.
In my opinion, people who don't recycle, only because they don't want do it, should be really punished.
If we don't protect the planet, we will assist to the end of it. And it will be our end too!

Don't waste time! Start recycling know!

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